Ovagen 20mg


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Efficacy was determined in clinical trials. It is effective in the comprehensive treatment of patients suffering from hepatitis of various etiologies, in the prevention of complications of radiation therapy or chemotherapy and side effects during the use of antibiotics and other drugs, as well as the consequences of exposure to the body to various adverse factors (including environmental, toxic), in cases of malnutrition, and in maintaining liver function in

Conditions in which to use:

-decreased liver function;

-skin diseases;

-normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and obesity;

-diabetes prevention;

-consequences of all types of viral hepatitis;

-alcoholic and toxic liver damage;

-acute and chronic hypohepathy;

-Preoperative and postoperative periods in liver surgical interventions;

-Long treatment with antibiotics;

-radiotherapy chemotherapy;

-cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia;

-cirrhosis of various origins,-.

-enteropathy, indigestion;

-prevention of liver disease in advanced and senile age.