SR 9009 10mg/100caps


-Increases fat burning

-SR9009 increases the number of mitochondria. This results in an incredible increase in endurance.

-Induction of new mitochondrial production in muscle.

-SR9009 promotes fat loss in our fat by increasing Rev-ErbA activity in it. Basically, it encourages the body to use fat reserves for energy.

-Rev-ErbA is also responsible for blocking the gene that is responsible for fat storage

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-Increases fat burning

-SR9009 increases the number of mitochondria. This results in an incredible increase in endurance.

-Induction of new mitochondrial production in muscle.

-SR9009 supports fat loss in our body by increasing Rev-ErbA activity in the body. Basically, it encourages the body to use fat reserves for energy.

-Rev-ErbA is also responsible for blocking the gene that is responsible for fat storage