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AOD9604 is a C-terminal peptide fragment of human growth hormone (Tyr-hGH177-191). It is produced by solid-phase peptide synthesis and contains an additional tyrosine residue at the N-terminus, which stabilizes the peptide. Examination of the secondary structure of AOD9604 revealed similarities to the homologous region in the naturally occurring molecule.

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AOD9604 is a C-terminal peptide fragment of human growth hormone (Tyr-hGH177-191). It is produced by solid-phase peptide synthesis and contains an additional tyrosine residue at the N-terminus, which stabilizes the peptide. Examination of the secondary structure of AOD9604 revealed similarities to the homologous region in the naturally occurring molecule. Animal experiments have confirmed the fat-reduction potential of AOD9604, which appears to interact directly with fat metabolism without affecting appetite. In genetically obese rat and mouse strains, AOD9604 has been shown to reduce body weight, stimulate lipolysis and inhibit lipogenesis. There were no side effects observed in similar studies using HGH. It recently received “generally recognized as safe” status , subject to publication of pre-existing safety data, for intended use in food, beverages and dietary supplements.

Six human clinical trials have been conducted with AOD9604, including two intravenous (IV) pilot studies and two pilot studies involving oral administration. Two oral phase IIb studies involving 300 and 500 obese subjects were conducted to evaluate efficacy (weight reduction), safety and tolerability. In all human studies, no side effects have been reported, even at huge doses.


  • No side effects
  • Increased fat burning
  • High stability

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