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Rejuvenation Cream 300mgGHK-Cu + 30mg Snap-8




Rejuvenation Cream is a combination of GHK-Cu. One of the hallmarks of aging is facial wrinkles, characterized by folds, furrows and creases. The process of facial wrinkles is largely due to changes in collagen production and increased collagen degradation combined with environmental exposure.

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Rejuvenation Cream is a combination of GHK-Cu. One of the hallmarks of aging is facial wrinkles, characterized by folds, furrows and creases. The process of facial wrinkles is largely due to changes in collagen production and increased collagen degradation combined with environmental exposure. One of the most important environmental factors contributing to wrinkles is muscle contraction, which causes repetitive facial alignment. Therefore, treatment options that reduce facial muscle contraction and preserve collagen health are most useful in preventing and potentially reversing the rate of facial wrinkle development.

Biochemically, muscles contract due to the neural release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter or chemical that the body uses to signal the activation or deactivation of nerves. Given this mechanism, Botox is widely used to combat the progression of facial wrinkles. While Botox is generally a safe and effective treatment option, potentially more reliable options exist in the form of topical cosmetic peptides that have mechanisms of action similar to Botox and signaling.



A blend of hyaluronic acid with differentiated molecules, plant extracts, panthenol and SNAP 8 and GHK-CU.


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